Thursday, September 25, 2008

We get questions. . . .

Dear Thelma and Marge:

My five-year-old daughter always wants me to play Barbies with her. I hated those dolls when I was a kid, and I hate them even more now. She wouldn’t even have a stupid Barbie if her aunt hadn’t given it to her. Still, I feel like I should play with her. If I were a good mom, wouldn’t I want to play with her? What’s wrong with me??


Dear Confused:

Nothing at all. Didn’t anyone ever tell you that hating Barbie dolls is a sign of superior intelligence and good sense? I know it’s probably distressing to think that your little darling has taken a wrong turn so early in life, but don’t give up yet. You just need to show her that there’s more than one way to have fun with a Barbie. One of my sisters, for instance, used hers as the cadaver in a game of “Teddy Bears Go to Med School.” A friend once buried her Ken up to his neck in her mom’s vegetable garden, covered his head with honey, and timed how long it took for him to be completely covered in ants. My own daughter had great fun cutting her Barbie’s hair short and slicking it into a Mohawk with yellow poster paint. Once you get going, the possibilities for creative play are endless.

P.S. If that aunt has kids, be sure you give them a drum set and a 12-pack of Play-Doh next Christmas.

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