Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hi there. We’re the eponymous moms (although we’re not actually on Prozac. One of us takes Celexa, and the other takes Lexapro. “Prozac” scans better, though.). We’ve spent a lot of time over the past 13 years listening to each other vent about how our kids (one “normal” and two certifiably crazy) make us nuts. We’ve cried a lot together, God knows, but we’ve probably laughed more--and we’ve made our other friends, with and without kids, laugh too. In the process, we’ve discovered that when you have crazy kids, SSRIs alone aren’t enough to keep you going; you have to find a way to laugh. Otherwise, you might as well get out the razor blade and have done with it.

So one day we were having some laughs at our kids’ expense (the best revenge) when the ol’ light bulb went off: we should write this stuff down, you know, immortalize our amazing adventures in psychoparenting (and maybe in the process help a few other crazy moms strive toward the Zen-like detachment this job demands). Then we started waxing grandiose, thinking maybe we’d get other people to send us their stories, share their best, um, coping strategies, and so forth . . . hence this blog.

If you’re a crazy mom of a normal kid, or a normal mom of a crazy kid, or (like us) a sometimes crazy mom of sometimes crazy kids--that is, if you’re any sort of mom at all--we suspect you’ll find something here to identify with. And, we hope, comment on.

Thelma and Marge

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